Make A Donation

Help us bring creativity to each and every life.

£3 will cover the cost of printing and distributing our Nucleus Social magazine to the socially isolated.

£5 will pay for one ‘be creative at home’ parcel.

£10 will pay for one young person to attend three sessions of Teen Art.

£100 will pay for a young person between the ages of five and twenty-five to complete an Arts Award level.

£200 will pay for fifteen vulnerable adults or young people to participate in one professional-led creative workshop.

  • “The Nucleus Arts community and charities are absolutely amazing and everything they do is always breathtaking”

    Workshop Participant

  • “I liked it so much I have rented a studio!”

    Resident Artist

  • "The sessions are a good way to learn new skills in a safe environment and meet like-minded people"

    Workshop Participant

  • “I suffer from anxiety and depression. Since I have attended Social Art […] it has helped me to feel more active during the week.”

    Social Art Participant